понеделник, 20 август 2012 г.

A cocktail in the morning.

Woke up this morning with one thought in my head- I want to drink milk from a glass for wine because I am a classy lady and have oreo cookies with it, because life is sweet + want to find a ginger cat & call it Cat. Yes, just like Audrey in Breakfast at Tiffany's.

Moon river, wider than a mile
I’m crossing you in style some day
Oh, dream maker, you heart breaker
Wherever you’re goin’, i’m goin’ your way

Two drifters, off to see the world
There’s such a lot of world to see
We’re after the same rainbow’s end, waitin’ ’round the bend
My huckleberry friend, moon river, and me

There's nothing like the morning. Nothing that pristine and real. It always comes not only to kill the dream you had the night before, but as a sign of a new begining, equal start for every living creature. Even though I am a big fan of everything unreal, enigmatic, delusional and complicated, I find mornings as my favourite part of reality. The first rays of the sun touching your eyelashes  and that's it, you are awake, that's the moment you are being born again, the moment you hold eveything in your hands, the moment you can call karma a fool and take control over your life. Take control over everything by drinking milk from a glass for wine and not wearing any underwear (ever). Life's short. And the number of all mornings I've got left is probably not endless, so I'm determined to enjoy them all- smile at the rain, smile at the sun, smile at everything that this world brings at my door.

But you are still sleeping, somewhere in a dark room, hiding behind some dusty heavy curtains, without even a clue that it's morning, I'm going for a run and I'm coming for you.

четвъртък, 5 април 2012 г.

Моето утре

Събуждам се в белите си чаршафи, а косата ми влиза в очите. Махам я с ръка и слънцето ме близва по носа с лъчите си. Усмихвам се широко и притварям очи отново, а когато ги отварям виждам светлинки от прашинките в миглите ми. Протягам се и някак си се търкулвам от леглото и се отправям бавно с тромава стъпка към кухнята. Сядам на стола и си тананикам онази песен, после си наливам чаша портокалов сок и отпивам жадно. Чувам входната врата, стъпки, стъпки. Виждам усмихнатото му лице и денят ми започва.
- Още ли не си готова?
А аз се усмихвам глупаво само по една бяла развлечена тениска, без да казвам нищо и той ме целува с меките си устни. Носи ми закуска- любимите ми кроасани. Очите му толкова спокойни и сини ме гледат, после ме прегръща, аз му казвам, че ми е липсвал и отпивам от ароматът му. I'm addicted to mornings. Обличам се и двамата тръгваме към метрото- той нарамил китарата си на рамо, а аз онзи огромен скицник и кутията с моливи и бои. И все пак се държим за ръце, потънали в разговор за онази песен от снощи.
Добро утро, Лондон! И днес е слънчево.

вторник, 28 февруари 2012 г.

Who's that girl? Who's that girl? It's Dess!

The sun finally reached Southampton, so the two Dessies went outside for a walk and some Costa coffee! I fanlly had the chance to wear my new sunglasses, moreover i got rid of my winter coat (at least for a day, or two) !!! It was so rejuvinating to feel the sun on my skin and in my hair! As you can see from the title I've been watching New Girl :D how can you not love that show, it always puts a smile on my face ^^

skirt: Urban Outfitters
sweater: Mango
shoes: Tally Weijl
bag: second hand
belt: second hand
jacket: unknow brand
ring: handmade
sunglasses: Primark

Have a lovely week!
Dessy xxxxxx

сряда, 22 февруари 2012 г.

Once upon a time

Three weeks ago I was having a walk, wondering about what spend the little money that I have on and I bumped into one huge charity shop. Strangely my life has been in an orbit all around pigs. Yeah, pigs. My new friend Desi (we share the same name) loves pigs, so she made me change my perspective about those 'chubby buddies'. So I walked into the shop and I saw this lovely childrens book- Three little pigs :D yep, pigs again. I also got Benjamin bunny.

вторник, 21 февруари 2012 г.

понеделник, 6 февруари 2012 г.

Chocolate Strawberries.

I've been in a mood for cooking lately and one of my good friends gave me the idea of making chocolate strawberries during our mornig jog (an absolute oxymoron).They are really easy to be prepared and all you need is dark chocolate and a few strawberries. I have to admit that after i tried the first one, just taken from the fridge what I felt was definetely some kind of romance. I hate cheesy signs of love an affection and all the silly things that lovers do, but deep in my soul I am romantic and those strawberries are something that you should share if not with a lover, at least with a good friend.

Whash the starwberries and make sure they are dry, before starting to melt the chocolate. Chop the chocolate into little pieces, put them in a plate and then leave the in the microwave for 1 minute. After that if there is need you can put the chocolate for 30 more seconds so it's absolutely melted. When you are ready you can start dipping the strawberries into the chocolate. Be carefull when you put them in the tray, so you don't ruin the beautiful effect of the chocolate. It's like you have just painted your nails. When you are ready and all of the strawberries are well covered with chocolate leave them in the fridge for at least an hour. Voila! You have one lovely and romantic dessert which you can combine with white wine, or cold champagne. Enjoy!


I decided to choose the movie Melancholia for the topic of my new assignment for uni, as it is a visual work of art. The director Lars Von Trier have done brilliant job creating a simple tale about the complicated human nature by using beutiful and breathtaking  images.  The tale challenges the relationships under the most final surcumstances: newly discovered planet Melancholia collides with Earth.
Here is one poster that I found on tumblr and I think is absolutely beautiful.

събота, 4 февруари 2012 г.

Без теб не искам да се стъмва.

12 и 15, събота вечер. На вън вали тихо, а аз искам да вали силно, за да го чувам. Всички говорят за снега тази вечер, но ние си нямаме, а аз искам само дъжда да чувам. Светлините от улицата срещу прозореца ми и отвъд релсите винаги са ме вдъхновявали късно вечер.
Ще си представя, че не е вечер. Лежа на леглото и косата ми е още влажна. защото съм си взела душ.  Лежа на леглото със затворени очи и слънцето свети право в лицето ми и стига до лактите, разнасяйки топлината си по цялото ми тяло. Лежа на леглото и чувам стъпките на котето и тихото му мъркане. Всичко е спокойно и всичко е наред. Снегът в България се е стопил, а нашите не са имали по-успешни работни дни, усмихват се един на друг и вечерят заедно, а баба е работила цял ден в градината. Аз съм далеч от тях, но знам, че всичко е наред и спокойно се радвам на топлото слънце. Лежа на леглото и си мисля за теб. А да си мисля за теб е като да хапвам варени круши със захарен сироп и канела. Ти ще дойдеш и ще ме вземеш за уикенда. Аз ще се цупя, че караш много бързо, но после ще пуснат любимата ми песен по радиото и ще започна да пея а ти ще се усмихваш. После ще заспя на седалката, а ти ще прокараш пръсти през косата ми и отново ще се усмихнеш.
Ще ме хванеш за ръка.
Вече може да се стъмва...

неделя, 29 януари 2012 г.

Sugar & Pasta

Good morning to everyone, or to noone, or just to the one that secretly reads this! Good morning to everyone who reads this. It's 11:11 and I just ate some pasta with sugar from a plastic box. If anyone from my flatmates saw me doing it they would be looking at me if I was some weirdo. So I went out last night and I didn't have a single drink. And it was okay. I broke my legs from dancing and it was okay. Curiously I have a headache now and I can hear the blood rushing to my ears, as lf I was drinking.
It's a regular morning for the student halls in England. If I look up from my window I see grey clouds and It's deadly silent as it is a ghost town. But I don't really mind and I don't really care. My spotify playlist makes me sick. The playlist on my mp3 player makes me sick. That's why I'm listening to Antonio Vivaldy and i really hope he wasn't gay. Now I moved to eating  an apple and holing it in my right hand as if I was some well-know ancient Greek philosopher, while thinking about existential problems:
What is happyness? Does destiny really exist, or everything is just one huge, random quensidence? Is there such thing as eternal love? Should I get a tattoo? Is there such thing as love at first sight? Is the power of the thought really that powerful? Hm, do you think that God has special plans for me? "Bullshit!" you'll say. But it's not.
What I know for sure is that alience exist and that you are the one who gotta make things happen. I just know that the univerce has certain plans for us and we meet certain people for a reason. It's like a neverending potencial of experience and energy that we receive every day. Just like the education system at universities in England. They give you the information and sometimes They introduce you to the right people, but it's up to you to sit on your ass, work hard, do your best and just make things happen.
So I smile at you today, I smiled at you yesterday and I'll smile at you tomorrow. Just don't be a jerk and I'll keep smiling.

събота, 21 януари 2012 г.

Ти не знаеш.

Ти не знаеш, но аз ти се усмихвам. И на зелените ти очи се усмихвам и на хвърчащата ти руса коса и на хубавите ти обувки. Усмихвам се на силния ти глас и на бялата ти кожа и на онова дивото, дивото в очите ти. Но най-много се усмихвам на пръстите ти- преплиташ ги в моите и аз съм твоя. За един миг, само за един. И нищо друго няма значение, всички са сенки, а музиката вече не я чуваме.
Ти сигурно не помниш. А аз се питам, не си ли просто плод на измъченото ми въображение? Не, не си. Истински си ти.
Ти вече си забравил...и аз ще забравя скоро. Но  аз знам, че ще се срещнем пак и ти отново ще преплиташ пръсти в моите.

До скоро.